Indigenous Talent ID Day

Indigenous Talent ID Day

Are you ready to take your sport to the next level?

Register for the IAS Indigenous Talent ID Day and you could be identified for the 2024-25 IAS Indigenous Talent Program. 

Attend the Indigenous Talent ID Day to be identified as a potential 2024-25 IAS Scholarship holder.

During the day, students can test their abilities in a variety of sports, be assessed in strength and conditioning testing, and learn how you can be supported in your sporting pathway by being an Indigenous Talent Program athlete.

Eligibility: Male and female First Nations students turning 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 in 2024 residing in the IAS catchment area (Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama, Shoalhaven or Wingecarribee council areas).

Click here to register for the 2024 IAS Indigenous Talent ID Day

Sport Sessions

Athlete Support

Fitness Testing


Indigenous Talent Program


The IAS Indigenous Talent Program is designed to support the developmental needs of the regions young talented athletes by providing industry leading high-performance sport development programs with some additional support for indigenous athletes.

The program will provide talented athletes from within the IAS programs to increased level of support to enable their sporting progress. Athletes will have access to leading Aboriginal sports people from the district to assist, support and inspire them in their development. Additional support surrounding culture, support mechanisms between fellow indigenous athletes, access to training opportunities and guidance on how best to progress through the sporting pathways are just some of the services offered to athletes.

Scholarship Benefits

– Targeted monthly IAS ITP squad sessions focusing on sporting skills, game sense, strength & conditioning, cultural awareness, education and mentoring. 

– Access to IAS strength & conditioning program (including weekly supervised gym sessions and sport specific programming).

– Sports education and personal development opportunities.

– Further sport specific pathway progression and opportunities where applicable. 

– Invitation to trial for IAS sport specific programs (note: selection into the IAS ITP does NOT guarantee selection into sport specific programs or Future Stars).