As a result of the extension to the Greater Sydney (including Wollongong) lockdown until 30 September 2021 all face-to-face operations for the 2020/21 Scholarship have now been cancelled or shifted to online.
Sadly, we have been forced to cancel our physical 2021 Presentation Night but will be conducting an online presentation. More information will be provided in coming weeks to stakeholders, sponsors, coaches, athletes and parents regarding the 2021 Online Presentation Night.
We will continue to provide current scholarship athletes with education webinars through Zoom and at home strength and conditioning programs.
The physical trials for the 2021/22 Illawarra Academy of Sport scholarships set out for September will now be conducted through an automatic qualification and interview process. We will be notifying all applicants of the updated processes directly next week.
Nominations for these programs are still open, please click here to apply. As 2021/22 applications will be assessed by the information provided on the nomination form, please be as specific as possible.
At this stage the IAS Netball and Netball Umpires trials remain as physical on court selections on Friday 8 October and Sunday 10 October 2021, however this is subject to further NSW Government restrictions and announcements.