Club/Association Jammers (through NSW Sport & Recreation and The Disability Trust). Why did you apply for an IAS scholarship? To become a better player with improved skills. What is your pre-competition routine and how long have you been doing it? I don’t have one really, just shoot some baskets – I just get ready and then play. What is your best memory from playing your sport? Getting a basket is always a good memory. If you weren’t playing this sport what would you be doing and why? Swimming. I was good at swimming but had to concentrate on one sport. When did you start playing your sport and how did you get started? I was eight years old and was throwing my lunch box through a basketball ring – a teacher suggested basketball. What are the greatest challenges balancing school and sport? Getting to training on time. What is your biggest disappointment in sport? I don’t get disappointed. I always try to do my best. What are your plans beyond school? I am going though that process now – Transition to Work via one of the many providers in the Illawarra such as The Disability Trust, Greenacres or Flagstaff. If you could live anywhere in the world it would be? Noosa in Queensland. What do you do in your free time? Walk my dog Bella, play Xbox games, watch YouTube videos, plus in summer go to the beach with my family.