The IAS netball squad participated in a 1 day training program with Western Sydney Academy of Sport (WSAS) held at the new State Sports Centre in Olympic Park Homebush on Saturday. Aptly named Netball Central, the 6 court stadium is home to NSW Swifts and the NSW DOOLEYS State League Competition. The IAS squad was able to experience first-hand the courts that will be used for the upcoming 2015 World Cup Championships. Commencing at 9am both squads where exposed to the high performance athlete mind sets with NSWIS Sports Psychologist Karen Haddad, identifying what an elite athlete is expected to look like, understanding areas of control, problem solving, feedback, positive thoughts and goals. The players were also provided with commentary from Australian representative Sharni Layton, on her thoughts and feelings on her match play performance followed up with work shop activities by each squad. Specialist skill work groups delivered by the IAS / WSAS coaches were focused on several skill elements from attacking footwork and defensive activities highlighting the basics and allowing both squads to be exposed to quality coaching from both Academies. The afternoon’s match play provided the athletes with an opportunity to put their skill into play. Head Coach Marji Parr was pleased with the days positive outcomes, the professionalism of the IAS coaching staff and squad performance. “this is a dynamic squad with plenty of depth, we’re looking forward to the next 1 day program set for 15 March at Netball Central”.