The Elite Energy Tri Husky last Sunday provided a great start to the IAS 2016 Triathlon Program with all athletes placing in the top 10 for their age in a very competitive field. The Tri Husky is now one of the biggest events on the Triathlon Calendar and these results set the athletes up for a very good year ahead. Troy Whittington and Austin Pallone both raced the Sprint Distance of 750m swim, 20km cycle and 5km run, with Troy finishing in a very competitive time of 1:12:43, to finish 5th in the 16-19 Male age group and Austin finishing 4th in the 14-15 Male age group with a time of 1:26:58. Grace Mahon raced the Enforcer distance of 400m swim, 15km cycle and 4km run, finishing 3rd in the 13-15 Female age group with a time 1:01:58. Lauren Myers, Georgia Robson and Ruby Sawtell raced the Enticer distance of 200m swim, 8km cycle and 2km run, with Georgia finishing 2nd in the 14-15 Female age group in 00:35:09 and Ruby and Lauren finishing 7th and 8th in the 12-13 Female age group crossing together with the same time of 00:35:09. The IAS Triathlon Squad is coached by Alex Price who is also involved with the Australian Triathlon Squad and is assisted by Steve Crossman and Melinda Witchard.