It was a big weekend of netball on the Central Coast (8 & 9 April) providing the IAS netball squad an opportunity to apply their skills against the State’s other 12 Regional Academies of Sport and their up-and-coming netballers. IAS contested in two Divisions at Niagara Park Community Centre and Central Coast Grammar School. The purpose of the weekend is to provide young emerging talented netballers and umpires with the opportunity to take part in a nine-game competition giving them first-hand insights into the skills, knowledge and personal attributes needed to develop in an elite sporting environment. The ClubsNSW Academy Games is considered the ‘friendly games’ where competition tables are less important and athlete involvement and development are the priority. Two merit teams were also selected at the 2017 ClubsNSW Academy Games. Congratulations to first year scholarship holders Ruby Sargen-Wilson (Division 1) and Sophie Rodwell (Division 2) for their strong performances over the demanding weekend