The Illawarra Academy of Sport held its Annual Fundraising Golf Day at Kiama Golf Club on Friday 13th November 2015. A total of 18 teams participated in the Ambrose event with the team from Aceit claiming honors with a nett score of 44.875. Runners up were the teams from Warilla Bowls Lead by IAS Lawn Bowls Coach and World Champion Leif Selby, with a nett score of 46.25. The team from URAC finished 3rd with a nett score of 48.75 Special thanks must go to the outgoing IAS Golf squad manager Ralph Stevenson, the IAS Golf squad athletes, the Kiama Golf Club for the use of their magnificent facility and donation of polo shirts from the winning team, JNJG for their donation of Gloves and Hats for Second and third and all the teams who participated and supported this important fundraising event. Teams included: Aceit Sport Assett Big Fat Smile Collegians Golf Illawarra Jack Newton Junior Golf Kiama Golf Club MMJ Wollongong Novotel Northbeach O’Donnell Hennessey & Co Par-Tee Virtual Golf Print Media RapidCool Air Conditioning The Grange Golf Club The Links Shell Cove Golf Club URAC Warilla Bowls and Recreation Club Wisdom All funds raised from the Golf Day will be spent on IAS Golf Program, subsidising a squad camp to Kangaroo Valley in the January School Holidays.