The IAS is thrilled to have partnered with Shellharbour TAFE  as a gym providers for the Shellharbour region athletes.

The use of the gym ensures local athletes can have access to quality facilities for strength and conditioning.

“We’ve struggled with securing a Shellharbour venue for a few years now,” IAS CEO John Armstrong said.

“The agreement with the TAFE is a match made in heaven. It’s fantastic for the athletes and it’s strong utilisation of a network that is probably not heavily utilised. But it’s got all the equipment that we need and it provides the athletes to undertake strength and conditioning in the afternoon but even [potentially] at additional times.”

Shellharbour City Mayor Chris Homer, who holds a number of fitness qualifications from TAFE NSW Shellharbour, supported the arrangement which will see IAS athletes train weekly at the state-of-the-art TAFE NSW Shellharbour gym.

TAFE NSW Shellharbour fitness students will work alongside the athletes and their strength and conditioning staff in hands-on training that will count towards their course assessment.

“I’ve used that gym a lot myself and I recognised how critical it was as a fitness student to have people coming in that you can assess and learn from,” Cr Homer, a Diploma of Fitness graduate from TAFE NSW Shellharbour, said.

“I’m absolutely delighted TAFE NSW has come on board with IAS and this will have benefits for both parties going forward.”

TAFE NSW Shellharbour Head Teacher of Fitness Paul Shannon said the agreement would give students real-world experience developing fitness plans for athletes in conjunction with IAS coaching staff.

“This is a priceless opportunity for our fitness students and TAFE NSW is pleased to be able to offer a world-class training facility to Academy athletes,” Mr Shannon said.

“Working with emerging athletes is a growing part of the fitness sector and learning to manage these athletes, both physically and psychologically, is important because many are burning out.”

IAS Chief Executive Officer John Armstrong thanked TAFE NSW for the use of the facility and said it would ensure elite local athletes could continue to have the strength and conditioning training to thrive in their careers.

“Strength and conditioning is an integral part of the IAS program and we are excited to now be able to provide a local gym facility for our Shellharbour-based athletes,” Mr Armstrong said.

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