CLUB/ASSOCIATION: Wollongong City Gymnastics Why did you apply for an IAS scholarship? I hoped to benefit from the mentoring classes and the advice I would get from the professionals, guest speakers and the IAS team. I know and my family and coach know that I have the skills that will get me into the NSW representative team. I successfully completed the skills I need at training – it is just the mental side that lets me down sometimes in my competition. I hope the IAS will help me to achieve my goals. Who’s your favourite professional athlete and why? I don’t particularly have a favourite athlete although I did enjoy watching Lauren Mitchell in the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics competing in the gymnastics for Australia. If you weren’t playing this sport what would you be doing and why? It would be surf club. I enjoyed competing in the sand events at state carnivals and won two silver medals, one bronze medal and one gold medal in the flags and sprint at the state championships. I would try and regain selection into the Illawarra Interbranch team. Whatever I would pick it would definitely involve running. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? I am a confident, intelligent girl and I feel I am a good role model. What are your plans beyond school? I would like to travel overseas and explore different countries. After that, attend university and decide what I would like to do as a career. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be? I would love to live in the Greek Islands. What do you do in your free time? I like to read and paint my nails. What is your favourite subject at school? Metal work because I enjoy building my project, and maths because we are learning equations and I enjoy solving problems. What is your greatest achievement in your sport so far? My greatest achievement in gymnastics would have to be recovering from my broken leg. In 2010 I broke my leg during training on bars apparatus. Throughout that year I had to miss state trials as well as the country championships. It took three months to fully recover and start back into doing the skills. Because of this I had to repeat level 5 the following year. When did you start playing your sport and how did you get started? My mum always commented on how energetic and active I was and thought that gymnastics would be the best way to channel my energy. I also danced and started gymnastics to learn more dance acrobatic skills.