14 July 2021 Update
The Greater Sydney (including Wollongong and Shellharbour) Stay at Home Public Health Order (lockdown) has been extended until 30 July 2021.
As a result of this the Illawarra Academy of Sport has had to CANCEL the following:
– Strength & Conditioning supervised gym sessions (all locations) until 30 July.
– Training sessions (including AFL, AWD, Basketball, Cycling, Netball, Tri, Volleyball) until after 30 July.
– Shellharbour Mayoral Reception for 21 August postponed (alternative date for September is being confirmed).
– Indigenous Talent ID day for 21 August postponed.
– Indigenous Camp for 1 August postponed.
– Face-to-face Mental Health Workshops are now all moved to ONLINE webinars with the Mental Health Movement.
We are providing home based strength and conditioning programs for athletes. We will also be working on providing remote check in sessions for squads.
7 July 2021 Update
The NSW Government have announced the extension of the current Public Health Order until 11:59pm Friday 16 July, 2021.
Following the updated health advice the Public Health Order and stay at home orders has been extended an additional week for Greater Sydney, Wollongong and Shellharbour, and restrictions extended for all other parts of NSW.
While such restrictions are in place, community sport (training or a match) cannot proceed in these areas. See Sport NSW for more information.
The return to community sport across Greater Sydney including Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour Local Government Areas (LGAs) will be subject to NSW Health advice.
As the Illawarra Academy of Sport region covers areas within the Greater Sydney (Wollongong & Shellharbour LGAs) and regional NSW (Kiama, Shoalhaven & Wingecarribee LGAs) from Saturday 26 June at 6.00pm we are suspending all face-to-face activities until after 11:59pm Friday 16 July, 2021. Further decisions will be made pending advice from NSW Health.
This includes:
– All supervised gym strength & conditioning sessions across all regions – Wollongong, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Wingecarribee and Kiama
– All training sessions
– Mental Health Workshop will now be an online webinar
The Illawarra Academy of Sport will continue to monitor the NSW Health regulations and will keep our athletes and coaches updated via Team App.
IAS staff will continue to work from home but will remain contactable via phone and email.
We are COVID Safe
Following the return to face-to-face operations all participants must check in using our Service NSW QR code to every IAS training, education and gym sessions, as well as all visitors the IAS office.
Please see our updated COVID-19 Safety Plan.