Illawarra Academy of Sport IAP Gymnastics Athletes have made an outstanding start to the competition season by impressing at the Gymnastics State Trials at Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatic Centre at Rooty Hill. The IAS had a strong showing with 3 Athletes competing in the WAG International Level 8 and 1 Athlete in the WAG National Level 8 Division 2. In the International Level 8 division, Emelia Withers finished first place all around, with a first place on floor, second on vault and bars, and third on beam. Miranda Blades finished second all around, with a second on beam and third on floor, while Olivia Falconer placed fourth all around, with a first placing on vault and second on floor. With all 3 girls qualified to represent NSW at National Championships in Melbourne in May. In the National Level 8 Division 2, Payton Williams finished with a 3rd on Floor, 4th on Vault, 6th on Beam and placed 6th All Around. As a result she was selected for the NSW State team to compete at the NSW V QLD Border Challenge Competition in late June this year in Caloundra QLD.