BlueScope Steel individual athlete program scholarship holder, Mecenzi Howard competed in the 2012 NSW Boccia State Titles and won a Bronze medal. Mecenzi also won Silver medal in her team’s event. Mecenzi played an amazing game and was selected in the National Team for May 2012. Following the Nationals, Mecenzi was selected in the “Road to Rio” Paralympics Development Information camp, where 38 other Boccia athletes, in the 4 different classifications, came together to be tested, measured and observed. From that group of 38 athletes, 19 were selected in the Australian Paralympics Preparation Program (PPP) Squad. Mecenzi was one of the junior athletes and one of the 5 in her classification, including three very experienced adult athletes. This Australian squad of 19 came together again for the first PPP where they were again tested and a team of 9 athletes will now be selected to train for the 2013 Asian Pacific Games mid next year. In Mecenzi’s classification (BC1), only two athletes can be selected and from the results of last weekend’s camp, she is one of the BC1 athletes selected! Mecenzi has a busy 12 months to come she has 5 future camps between now and July 2013 and has to compete in 4 Australian comps and travel to at least overseas competition. Good luck Mecenzi.