The IAS may have been short on numbers at the 2021 Your Local Club Academy Games due to a timing clash with the Australian Junior Amateur Championships, but that didn’t stop IAS representatives Bella-Rose Pond and Thomas Eagleton from having a successful weekend.
“Only having one girl and one boy competing means we have a lot of pressure on us to do it for the IAS,” Bella-Rose Pond said.
Saturday saw the athletes complete the Horizons Golf Resort course and on Sunday at Charlestown Golf Club, with both days results then combined for the overall standings.
Saturday had tough conditions with the rainy weather leading to delays and only 14 rounds being able to be played.
“Saturday was tough, our clubs were drenched and after playing for 5 and a half hours the light started fading and rest of the game was cancelled,” Bella-Rose Pond reflected.
Sunday saw more favourable conditions at Charlestown and the IAS athletes put on strong performances. Bella-Rose Pond had a particularly good weekend to finish 2nd in the Girls NETT with 77/77 + 7.
View the golf photos here.